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Category: Fruits and berries

The best technical grape varieties

For the production of wines, cognacs, compotes, technical grapes are used. They are distinguished by a high content (up to 85) of juice in berries, as well as a harmonious taste. The sugar content of the fruit is high. They are also characterized by unpretentiousness and stable productivity. New hybrids are often not inferior...

Growing grapes Muromets

Many table grape varieties differ from others in good taste. One of these varieties is the Muromets grape. Growing grapes Muromets Characteristics of the variety Vegetative term The varietal variety is 110 days. With proper planting and proper care, a full harvest...

Growing grapes Sofia

The Sofia grape is characterized by a large number of advantages. They note the pleasant taste of the fruit, the beauty of the berries and the power of the liquid bunches. The only drawback is the exactingness of care. Cultivation of Sofia grapes Main characteristics Sofia grapes are considered to be a dining culture. It is characterized...

Features of minting grapes

Some of the treatments used by gardeners in vine care have a mixed reputation among practitioners. These include the chasing of grapes. It is designed to improve the yield of the plant and protect it from standard problems. The expediency of the procedure is determined by the growth conditions...

Pulp wine

Pomace, or grape pulp, is crushed grapes, without juice, but with skin and seeds. It is used for making both homemade and industrial wine. Wine from the pulp Obtaining the pulp Pomace is a recyclable material that contains a large amount of concentrated wild...

How to care for plums in autumn - main activities

Proper care of plums in autumn is the key to a good future harvest for the next season. It includes a number of mandatory activities within the time frame established for different regions. How to take care of a plum in the fall - the main activities A feature of autumn care It is necessary to take care of a plum on...

Growing grapes in Siberia

Grapes are a thermophilic plant. Its cultivation is a lot of difficulties. Years of practice and breeding research made it possible to grow grapes in Siberia and get a full harvest. Cultivation of grapes in Siberia Features of viticulture in Siberia Cultivation of grapes in Siberia is carried out...

How to deal with powdery mildew on grapes

Vineyards during the fruiting period are prone to dangerous diseases: they develop due to improper care or against a background of high humidity. Powdery mildew on grapes, or powdery mildew, develops due to infection of the plant with microorganisms participating in fermentation. To fight the disease, use...

Growing grapes Rhombic

Rhombic is a promising hybrid grape variety bred by breeder Pavlovsky. Rhombic grapes gained popularity due to their undemanding care, excellent yield and surprisingly short ripening times. Grape growing Rhombic Variety characteristics The most expressive...